It has been an incredible year of achievement and it all started with you! Through your support for Kids Cancer Care’s Shave Your Lid for a Kid!® program, you helped raise $825,000 to support youth and their families battling childhood cancer.
Shave Your Lid for a Kid!® is one of Kids Cancer Care’s largest fundraising initiative. In 2012, more than 650 brave individuals shaved or drastically cut their hair and inspired more than 9,000 donors to pledge their support.
These dollars will bring hope to children with cancer though research and hospital programs. They will find acceptance and strength in camp and community programming; and one day become future leaders through scholarship opportunities.
But it isn’t only about the money you raise; it’s about building a community that cares.

“I’ve seen both sides of cancer now—the scary part at the hospital and the part where I see hundreds of people who want to help! It is not JUST about the money you raise, it’s about showing you care. When I see so many people shaving their lid for a kid, I know I’m not alone.” – Cancer survivor Johann Casas.
On behalf of the families we support, thank you for supporting
Shave Your Lid for a Kid!®
Shave Your Lid for a Kid!®