Brand new shave video

Yesterday we released our brand new Shave Your Lid for a Kid video in front of hundreds of students at Nellie McClung School. The video stars students from Nellie McClung School and O.S. Geiger School, as they lose their locks for childhood cancer!

We created the video to revitalize the shave program and spread the message that KIDS CAN make a difference and that KIDS CAN beat cancer!

Watch the video here

HELP US spread the word! It only takes a second and it will cost you nothing. But it could change a child’s life forever. YOU CAN make a difference.

  1. Tweet this message on Twitter: If #kidscan, YOU can! Pls watch this video & RT. It could inspire others 2 help & change a child’s life; and
  2. Post this message on Facebook: With your help, KIDS CAN beat cancer. Please share this video and spread the word that YOU CAN be the difference. YOU CAN help a child with cancer today:
Share the video with 5 people and someone may be inspired to shave their head for children with cancer. The money raised could send a child with cancer to camp.Share it with 100 people and 50 people may be inspired to help. The money they raise could help save a child’s life.
Thanks for your help,
Kids Cancer Care

PS. You can read about the video launch here: