About About Kids Cancer Care News Stories Greta gets a break at cancer camp

Greta gets a break at cancer camp

After almost two years of cancer treatments, numerous surgeries and a liver transplant, Greta is finally back at home in Calgary and healthy enough to go to summer camp. From July 17 through 21, Greta and her older brother Ben enjoyed the fun and activities of SunRise. On Wednesday, July 19, Greta and Ben also joined 21 other SunRise campers for a day at Camp Kindle, where the big kids go to our SunMaker camp program. Local media were there to capture the moment.

Global News
Calgary Herald
Calgary Sun
Metro News

Diagnosed with a rare liver cancer in September 2015, Greta endured six months of chemotherapy and a liver resection that removed 70 per cent of her liver. Initially, Greta seemed to be thriving, but the cancer returned in August 2016 and her family learned that her only hope was a liver transplant, a procedure that is not available in Canada. Greta’s liver transplant in Cincinnati, Ohio cost the family $600,000 (US), so the Marofke family set up a Go Fund Me page to help defray some of the costs. Although the liver transplant was successful and Greta has not experienced any rejection issues so far, her future remains uncertain. The cancer has since spread to Greta’s lungs and her parents continue to explore further treatment options with her doctors.