CP Rail has been a long-time supporter of the Shave Your Lid for a Kid program — 16 years to be exact! CP Rail is hosting their 16th annual Shave Your Lid for a Kid event this year on June 20, at Gulf Canada Square. Ray Wallinga has been the coordinator of the CP Rail shave event for many years. Below he shares his story from the 2012 head shave when his brave 16-year- old daughter participated. This is their story…
I lost my Dad to cancer on June 11, 1994 — two months before my son Alex, his first grandson, was born. My Mom had fought skin cancer about 10 years ago but has been healthy ever since (keeping our fingers crossed).
Last year my daughter Claudia (picture) shaved her head for Kids Cancer Care, a week after her 16th birthday. I was extremely proud of her. I know how hard it was my first shave in 1999 and I actually chickened out in 1998 because I was too vain. It has gotten easier every year since and now it’s pretty much just getting my summer hair cut every June. When I think about how hard that first time was for a 41 year old guy to shave, I’m even more amazed that my beautiful 16 year old daughter could bring herself to do it. I’d like to think it was my wife’s and my amazing child-raising skills but I know in my heart my daughter’s morals, convictions and her caring for others less fortunate than her, that inspired her to do it.
Kids Cancer Care does a great job in giving kids with cancer a place to go and be a kid at again at Camp Kindle. In addition, they also have made a shaved head something to be really proud of…pretty cool!